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Oral Exams

In order to be examined in a subject, it is mandatory that you register for the examination at the examination office (via FlexNow) in time. You can find the deadlines for this at https://etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studium/pruefungsamt/pruefungen/. Parallel to the registration of exams in FlexNow, the personal registration for specific exam dates takes place in the office of the Institute EneSys, ID 1/219 (deadline for the winter semester 2023/2024: 26.01.2024). Please enter the room individually for this purpose. For each subject in which you would like to be examined, please select an appointment there from the available appointments. Appointment and subject are firmly connected after you have chosen - a later exchange is not possible. Without such a registration you will not be examined.

As a general rule at our institute, you will be informed of the actual time of the exam on the day of the exam. Please show up at the office at the time indicated on the registration list. Please note that this time may be different for each day of the exam.

The following dates will be offered in the current spring/summer semester 2023:

Prüfer / Examiner Verfügbare Prüfungstermine / Examination dates
Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Sourkounis 07.02.2024
Prof. Dr.-Ing. V. Staudt 09.02.2024
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Steimel 08.02.2024
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Hennig 15.02.2024
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Dennersmann 18.03.2024
Prof. Dr. Michael Laskowski Bitte bei Bedarf eine E-Mail an das Geschäftszimmer senden / Please send an email to the EneSys office
Dr.-Ing. Tilman Ringelband 22.02.2024