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Power Systems Technology and Power Mechatronics

comprises the "classic" as well as new disciplines of power engineering.

Power Systems Technology

The energy supply is one of the most important issues of our time, so the efficient use of fossil fuels, and the expansion of renewable energies is one of the great challenges of Power Systems Technology.

Power Mechatronics

Power Mechatronics combines the classical engineering disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology and deals with their interaction.

Power Electronics

The power electronics is concerned with the conversion of electrical energy and its use at very high level of efficiency, for example for drive systems in traffic, industrial plants or power supply.


The main research interests lay in the renewable energy and its infrastructural integration as well as in the fields of mechatronic drive systems and power electronics.


Through a careful selection of lectures it is possible for the research group, to train young engineers in their research priorities and prepare them for industrial tasks also with the theoretical background.


With industrial projects and government subsidies, the research group brings new insights, not only in the education of future engineers, but is also a direct line into the economy.


In the promising field of electric vehicles, the research group has a large expertise, because of their projects in this field. For example, they have an own electric vehicle fleet on the road for some time, for everyday life tests.





The current topics for this course are online! You will find the topics and all further info here.


WORKSHOP I WINDEGRATION on 05. may 2023 – A brief report


Auftakt-Workshop im Projekt WINDegration

WORKSHOP I WINDEGRATION on 05 May 2023 - A short report

On Friday, 05 May 2023, a workshop was organised within the framework of the project WINDegration - Control and Management of Wind Farms for Integration in Grids of Low Inertia, Taking into Account the Interactions of the Individual Plants with Each Other. The aim of the workshop was to receive and discuss new impulses on the topic of balancing the natural fluctuations in renewable power generation through guests from politics, industry and research, in order to be able to guarantee the stability of the electricity grid in the future.


SWiPLab Workshop II

We would like to invite you to our Workshop in the "Smart Windpark Laboratory" on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Highly informative keynote speeches, live demonstrations of the laboratory and discussion panels will build the core of the event.


inVETra project start

An innovative Condition Monitoring System based on novel sensor-equipped connecting elements will be developed in the BMWi-funded project inVETra.


RUB-IWES cooperation

The cooperation is official. With the establishment of a Fraunhofer-IWES branch office under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sourkounis, a new competence center for wind energy is created in Bochum.



To achieve an efficient and reliable operation and maintenance of a wind farm, an international consortium develops an AI-based “Multi Criteria Decision Support System” within the project SmartWind.


Project InnaMoRuhr started

In a multidisciplinary consortium a concept of integrated, sustainable mobility for the University Alliance Ruhr will be developed and tested it in a field study.


Presentation at the German-Hellenic Economic Forum

Prof. Sourkounis spoke to a high-ranking audience at the German-Hellenic Economic Forum on 9 March 2020 about possibilities for decarbonising Greece's electrical energy supply.


Research cooperation with China's automotive industry planned

On invitation of the Economic Development Agency of the City of Jintan, Prof. Sourkounis visited the Chinese province of Jiangsu. Opportunities for cooperation were discussed with managers from the Chinese automotive industry and will be made more concrete in the coming months.


Strong Partnership for Optimal Wind Power

To research wind power conversion systems a laboratory-scale wind park will be build in Bochum, Germany. Now, one milestone has been achieved.


Workshop & B2B meeting „Thermische Energiespeichersysteme für energie-effiziente Gebäude“, 22. Juni 2017 in Bochum

The first workshop and B2B (Business-to-Business) on “Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings” took place on Thursday, June 22, 2017. The workshop has been part of the project TESSe2b, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 680555. Attendees from industry, business, research institute and public authorities took part in the workshop.




Workshop „Thermische Energiespeichersysteme für energie-effiziente Gebäude“,

We would like to invite you to our Workshop on the subject „Thermal Energy Storage System for Energy Efficient Buildings“, which is part of the EU-supported project TESSe2b. The workshop will take place on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at Ruhr University Bochum in Bochum, Germany. (Room E04/401, Building ID, Universitaetstrasse 150, 44801, Bochum).


Matching electric cars to the driver

Many people are not quite sure if an electric vehicle would fit into their everyday life. A new smartphone app might help with this issue.


New sensor technology for e-vehicle batteries

Batteries for electric vehicles are expensive. This must change if the vehicles are to establish themselves in the market. RUB engineers are currently adjusting one important element.


Bayern 2 - Klaro Nachrichten für Kinder zum Thema Elektroautos

Professor Sourkounis hat einen kurzen Beitrag zu den klaro - Nachrichten für Kinder des Bayrischen Rundfunks (Bayern 2) gleistet. Die Schüler der Klasse 4d der Grundschule Göggingen-West haben ihn zum Thema Elektroautos befragt.
